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 Vcmh Cracked [Undetected] By Kybou 1.4.7 Latest

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Join date : 2011-07-26

Vcmh Cracked [Undetected] By Kybou 1.4.7 Latest Empty
PostSubject: Vcmh Cracked [Undetected] By Kybou 1.4.7 Latest   Vcmh Cracked [Undetected] By Kybou 1.4.7 Latest Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 9:16 am

Vcmh Cracked

1. Run 'VCMH.exe' while starcraft 2 is closed
2. Have fun playing!

Download link:


* Warden Protection
* Version Checker
* Configurable Hotkeys
* 5-state Maphack
* -> Modes are off, lite, shared, dark and full
* -> Show units on mainmap and minimap
* -> Show invisible and burrowed units
* -> Show hallucinated units
* -> Show Zerg creep
* -> Show load bars (Dropships etc)
* -> Show force field duration bars
* -> Show health bars under fog of war
* -> Health bars shown under fog of war are white
* -> Enable sounds under fog of war
* -> Enable selections under fog of war (client-sided)
* -> View what your enemy is training/researching or the contents of selected
* -> Graphical bugs fixed
* Camera Lock
* Show Player Selections
* Show Player Clicks
* Show Enemy Camera
* Enable Observer Panel
* -> Set to Production tab when game starts
* -> Filter out local player
* -> Filter out allied players
* -> Filter out unwanted units and researches
* -> Apply filtering for units and researches after X game seconds
* -> Allow clicks through Production and Units tabs
* -> Configurable transparency for Units and Production tabs
* Enable Color Icon With Race
* Enable 1v1 Resource Info
* Watch Player Camera
* Graviton Beam Hack
* Auto-Start
* -> Auto-Mine minerals
* -> Auto-Create 1 worker
* -> Auto-Rally main building to local mineral patch
* -> Auto-Group main building
* Auto-Larva
* -> Auto-Group queens
* Auto-Worker Train
* Auto-Mule
* Auto-Chrono Boost
* Auto-Stalker Blink
* Auto-Roach Burrow
* -> Auto-Roach unburrow
* Auto-Queen Transfusion
* Auto-Group Buildings
* Auto-Gas Mining
* Award Achievements
* Tac Nuke Strike Alert
* Nydus Worm Alert
* Unit Alert
* Dropship Alert
* Supply Alert
* Camera Zoom Out
* Instant Win Against A.I.

F2 - Quick switch between Units, Production and Income tabs for Observer panel.
Ctrl +F2 - Toggle observer panel on/off.
F4 - Zerg auto-larva, Terran auto-mule and Protoss Gateway/WarpGate auto-chrono boost.
F5 - Toggle maphack on/off.
F6 - Toggle global auto-worker train on/off.
Ctrl + F6 - Remove/Re-add building for auto-worker training.
F8 (or Middle mouse button) - Toggle camera lock on/off.
Ctrl - Use Graviton Beam hack by holding down key and right clicking target.

Commands: (Don't work in game lobby)
/mh # - Set maphack mode to lite(1), shared(2), dark(3) or full(4).
/aa # - Award achievement. (Use 'Achievements.txt' to get id)
/wp # - Watch player camera. (use /list to get player id)
/wp - Toggle watch player camera off.
/as - Toggle auto-start on/off.
/al - Toggle auto-larva on/off.
/am - Toggle auto-mule on/off.
/ab - Toggle auto-stalker blink on/off.
/ar - Toggle auto-roach burrow on/off.
/at - Toggle auto-queen transfusion on/off.
/ss - Toggle show player selections on/off.
/sc - Toggle show player clicks on/off.
/mc - Toggle enemy minimap camera on/off.
/lf - Toggle local player filtering for observer panel on/off.
/af - Toggle ally player filtering for observer panel on/off.
/uf - Toggle Units tab filtering for observer panel on/off.
/pf - Toggle Production tab filtering for observer panel on/off.
/na - Toggle nuke alert on/off.
/wa - Toggle nydus worm alert on/off.
/ua - Toggle unit alert on/off.
/da - Toggle dropship alert on/off.
/sa - Toggle supply alert on/off.
/list - Get a list of players in-game with player id.
- Win instantly against A.I. (Must have no other human players left in the game!)
/cheat - Gives you lots of minerals, gas and supply. (Must have no other human players left in the game!)

Virustotal : https://www.virustotal.com/file/117d...a8ea/analysis/

Feel free to Like/Thanks
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